
What is the Community Water Plan?

The Eagle River Community Water Plan (CWP) considers past, present, and future human needs and river health issues to identify opportunities to correct historical degradation and prevent and mitigate against non-desirable future conditions for environmental and recreational water uses.

The plan seeks to understand the independent and interactive impacts of population growth, water use, reservoir development, and climate change (air temperature and precipitation patterns) on human and ecosystem water needs.

It is intended as a guide to help current and future leaders make conservative, low-regrets decisions that provide water security to our communities while sustaining the productive, healthy, and beautiful river ecosystems that provide local communities with a critical natural resource, provide a recreational amenity to residents and visitors, add to the beauty of local viewscapes, and support vibrant local economies.

Download the full Eagle River Community Water Plan document by clicking here.

Geographic Focus Area

The CWP focused on priority mainstem reaches of the Eagle River from above Minturn to the confluence with the Colorado River, Gore Creek from East Vail to the Eagle River, and lower Brush Creek and Gypsum Creek below public lands.

Planning reaches are indicated below. Select a reach in the map to jump to its river health Report Card

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