Eagle River: Rex Flats to Cross Creek

Current and Historical Drivers of Degradation

Aquatic insect communities near Minturn show increasing levels of stress/impact compared to upstream communities, potentially a result of Eagle Mine discharges and urban runoff from Minturn. Sensitive fish taxa like rainbow trout and sculpin are largely absent from the reach. Metals exceed relevant water quality standards, resulting in a 303(d). This reach is also impacted by historical channel modification and habitat simplification.

Flows are altered on this reach by upstream reservoirs and TMDs. The frequency of years where flows are sufficient to mobilized bed sediments declined by approximate 30%. The frequency of peak flows equivalent to the natural 1-in-4 year flood declined more than 80% due to water use and management. Peak flows during typical and dry years declined 31-38% respectively. Total annual flow volumes in dry years declined 38% when compared to natural historic conditions.

Report Card

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